Tuesday 25th April 2017
- Webinar : Implementation of generic solving capabilities in ParaFEM
- Women in HPC at ISC 2017: Workshop Call for posters and participation
- Access to PRACE machines for UK Scientists
- Best Use of ARCHER Competition : win one of ten £3,000 awards
- Training : Upcoming ARCHER Training Opportunities
Webinar: Implementation of generic solving capabilities in ParaFEM : Wednesday 26th April 3pm
Mark Filipiak, EPCC and Lee Margetts, Manchester report on their recently completed eCSE project.
ParaFEM is a freely available, portable library of subroutines for parallel finite element analysis, which is written in Fortran 90 and uses MPI as the parallelisation method. ParaFEM can be used to solve various types of problems, including stress analysis, heat flow, eigenvalue and forced vibration. ParaFEM implements two linear solvers, conjugate gradient and BiCGStab(l), both with Jacobi preconditioning. To extend the range of solvers, the PETSc library of solvers has been interfaced to ParaFEM. In this webinar we describe the design of the interface, note some of the technical difficulties encountered, and compare the performance of the ParaFEM and PETSc implementations of the conjugate gradient and BiCGStab(l) solvers.
More information and connection details...
Women in HPC at ISC 2017: Workshop Call for posters and participation
In collaboration with ISC High Performance 2017
Thursday 22 June 2017 (Time to be confirmed)
Women in HPC will once again attend the ISC High Performance Computing conference to discuss diversity and will bring
together women from across the international HPC community, providing opportunities to network, showcasing the work
of inspiring women and discussing how we can all work towards to improving the under-representation of women in supercomputing.
Call for posters: Now Open!
Deadline for submissions 30 April 2017 AOE
As part of the workshop we will be inviting submissions from female early career researchers to present their
work as a poster in a supportive environment that promotes the engagement of women in HPC research and
applications, providing opportunities for peer to peer networking and the opportunity to interact with female role models.
For full details please see:
Access to PRACE machines for UK Scientists
The UK (via EPSRC, STFC and BBSRC) are now paying around �1M a year to be members of PRACE and to get access to the PRACE machines for UK scientists. In order to maximise the amount of time obtained, and to help those thinking of applying, guidance has been developed by Sylvain Laizet and Debora Sijacki, who have had a lot of experience and success in applying to PRACE.
We have added their guidance on how to apply for access to our website.
Best Use of ARCHER Competition
Win one of ten £3,000 awards for travel between UK and US.
Submission deadline: 18th May
Funded by EPSRC:
The Best Use of ARCHER Competition will recognise the best work on ARCHER by post-doctoral and PhD student researchers.
This competition aims to promote and encourage interactions, networking and collaboration between HPC centres, individuals or groups in the UK and USA. The focus is on enabling new collaborations to occur and encouraging PhD students and post-doctoral researchers to showcase their science and scientific impact.
Full competition details and entry form...
Upcoming Training Opportunities
- Software Carpentry 9-10 May 2017 Edinburgh
- Data Carpentry 11-12 May 2017 Edinburgh
- Scientific Computing 31st May, 7th, 14th & 21st June 2017 Edinburgh and Online
- Data Analytics with HPC 29-30 June 2017 Portsmouth
- ARCHER Summer School 2017
- Hands-on Introduction to HPC 10-11 July 2017 Edinburgh
- Message-passing Programming with MPI 12-14 July 2017 Edinburgh
- Shared-Memory Programming with OpenMP 1-2 Aug 2017 Oxford